Product Overview Page

Overview Design and develop a page to show a full line up of products. This page needs to be expandable (adding products/categories), and allow users to quickly select the products they are looking for.

Old Design

A layout which was used three years ago. There are lots of information, but nobody wanted to read or to click. The low click-rate below the big banner made us rethink what we should put on this page.

Current Design

A layout which was used three years ago. There are lots of information, but nobody wanted to read or to click. The low click-rate below the big banner made us rethink what we should put on this page.

Mobile View Icon Examples Surveillance Division Version

The surveillance division also shares the same layout, while the banner is changed to cater a different target audience.

Date: 2015
Client: AVer Information Inc
Role: Designer, Developer
Tags: Design, Front end, HTML/CSS, Icons, Photography